After looking through Craigslist ads for a month I gave up and bought this and Im happy I did. This was very easy to assembleI should have had my daughter do it. Everything was numbered and includes a handy ratchet tool and plenty of spare hardware. I cant say how many times Ive assembled things only to find something that doesnt line up right or has missing hardware // so this was a breath of fresh air. Looks great and you cant beat the price. Simple and does the job.
Easy assembly cant beat the price
After looking through Craigslist ads for a month I gave up and bought this and Im happy I did. This was very easy to assembleI should have had my daughter do it. Everything was numbered and includes a handy ratchet tool and plenty of spare hardware. I cant say how many times Ive assembled things only to find something that doesnt line up right or has missing hardware // so this was a breath of fresh air. Looks great and you cant beat the price. Simple and does the job.