This is one nice chair. It comes shipped in many pieces, but is not hard to put together. It takes time but is worth the effort. I really like the leather. I think it use to be called naugahide back in the day, but its nice. And its very comfortable and sturdy. Im 250lb and it does feel very sturdy and secure. I can highly recommend this to anyone, big or small. It is very adjustable. My wife is 110lb and she likes the fit and feel too.
I bought this chair in 2015 and use it daily 7 days a week for the last 7 years. It does show some wear and the cushions have broken in, but Im sure it still has another year or more of service life. The leather on the right arm is starting to peal a little. The adjusting piston is getting weak. Not bad for a chair used at least 8 hours every day for the last 7 years. Oh, and I weigh 250lb. The price has jumped up 100 since I bought it, too.
7/year update. It feels very sturdy and secure.
This is one nice chair. It comes shipped in many pieces, but is not hard to put together. It takes time but is worth the effort. I really like the leather. I think it use to be called naugahide back in the day, but its nice. And its very comfortable and sturdy. Im 250lb and it does feel very sturdy and secure. I can highly recommend this to anyone, big or small. It is very adjustable. My wife is 110lb and she likes the fit and feel too. I bought this chair in 2015 and use it daily 7 days a week for the last 7 years. It does show some wear and the cushions have broken in, but Im sure it still has another year or more of service life. The leather on the right arm is starting to peal a little. The adjusting piston is getting weak. Not bad for a chair used at least 8 hours every day for the last 7 years. Oh, and I weigh 250lb. The price has jumped up 100 since I bought it, too.