The 12 ft trampoline was purchase for my great/nieces 7th birthday. It was relatively easy to assemble and appears to be well made. I like that it has four base legs and not just three like a lot of the others that I looked at. It also came with a ladder which is great for smaller children. In addition, it has a weight limit of 400 lbs which will allow it to be used longer as my niece and the neighbors children grow. It also had a 4.7 out of 5 star rating which is great compare to some of the others. We only put it together yesterday and had the neighbors children try it out. My great/niece will be here in a few days and will see it then. Good deal and was easy to put together.
Trampoline appears to be well made and sturdy
The 12 ft trampoline was purchase for my great/nieces 7th birthday. It was relatively easy to assemble and appears to be well made. I like that it has four base legs and not just three like a lot of the others that I looked at. It also came with a ladder which is great for smaller children. In addition, it has a weight limit of 400 lbs which will allow it to be used longer as my niece and the neighbors children grow. It also had a 4.7 out of 5 star rating which is great compare to some of the others. We only put it together yesterday and had the neighbors children try it out. My great/niece will be here in a few days and will see it then. Good deal and was easy to put together.