Great product. Was very easy to assemble and seems much better than lower quality/cheaper models, while also not having to spend too much. 2 boys LOVE it and wake up bright and early everyday to jump. Net is sturdy and thick for safety, bounce is fantastic with springs and mat, and weight capacity fits our 4 person family perfectly. customer service is truly what has set this product apart from the others. Professional, diligent, knowledgeable, helpful, and kind. They made the experience worth everything.
There are so many different trampolines made, but the people behind this one is what truly made the decision easy. Very durable.
Great product, even better customer service
Great product. Was very easy to assemble and seems much better than lower quality/cheaper models, while also not having to spend too much. 2 boys LOVE it and wake up bright and early everyday to jump. Net is sturdy and thick for safety, bounce is fantastic with springs and mat, and weight capacity fits our 4 person family perfectly. customer service is truly what has set this product apart from the others. Professional, diligent, knowledgeable, helpful, and kind. They made the experience worth everything. There are so many different trampolines made, but the people behind this one is what truly made the decision easy. Very durable.