This desk is amazing! It was relatively easy to assemble. Got a little confused and had to flip a piece over, however I finally got it together. The desk is so sturdy and holds my big, heavy printer! The top is so smooth and is at a perfect height for my office chair. I enjoy all the storage. I will have to get a few organizers for the side shelves but so worth it! I would recommend this desk for those that have a home office.
This desk is amazing! It was relatively easy to assemble. Got a little confused and had to flip a piece over, however I finally got it together. The desk is so sturdy and holds my big, heavy printer! The top is so smooth and is at a perfect height for my office chair. I enjoy all the storage. I will have to get a few organizers for the side shelves but so worth it! I would recommend this desk for those that have a home office.