Be advised this purchase does come as 2 shipments! Mine came on separate days, but the seller was very responsive, even on the weekend! Desk is very sturdy, I run 3 monitors and a printer on it, have noticed no bowing over time. Assembly is quite simple, all parts are labeled well and the figures in the instructions are quite clear. I was able to build it by alone in less than an hour. Appears it will be very easy to dissamble into pieces if you wanted to move in the future.
Sturdy Desk - Easy to assemble
Be advised this purchase does come as 2 shipments! Mine came on separate days, but the seller was very responsive, even on the weekend! Desk is very sturdy, I run 3 monitors and a printer on it, have noticed no bowing over time. Assembly is quite simple, all parts are labeled well and the figures in the instructions are quite clear. I was able to build it by alone in less than an hour. Appears it will be very easy to dissamble into pieces if you wanted to move in the future.