I need to start of by saying the customer service was excellent. When we got our original set, a vital piece was missing in order to complete the assembly. I notified the seller and they mailed a replacement right away. The couch set itself it super cute and stylish. I have not washed the covers yet, so I cant speak to that. But so far we are very satisfied. Patio furniture is so expensive and I was nervous for this set because the cost was lower than most of the sets I was seeing, but it turned out just fine and I would absolutely buy it again! I would buy again!
Great little set!
I need to start of by saying the customer service was excellent. When we got our original set, a vital piece was missing in order to complete the assembly. I notified the seller and they mailed a replacement right away. The couch set itself it super cute and stylish. I have not washed the covers yet, so I cant speak to that. But so far we are very satisfied. Patio furniture is so expensive and I was nervous for this set because the cost was lower than most of the sets I was seeing, but it turned out just fine and I would absolutely buy it again! I would buy again!