This is really easy to assemble and pretty sturdy. I got the two pack and was able to put them together in 30 minutes. Its hard to mess up. Only two Allen wrenches and two sizes of screws. Went to sit down in one and fell asleep. Theyre just the right amount of firm and cushy. Great value for the money! Slim profile and stylish. I would definitely order them again. Very happy with my purchase.
Great chairs for the money!
This is really easy to assemble and pretty sturdy. I got the two pack and was able to put them together in 30 minutes. Its hard to mess up. Only two Allen wrenches and two sizes of screws. Went to sit down in one and fell asleep. Theyre just the right amount of firm and cushy. Great value for the money! Slim profile and stylish. I would definitely order them again. Very happy with my purchase.