These are very nice quality chairs for the price paid. They seem sturdy and the looks real from across the room. The front legs have leveling feet. Legs are metal painted to look like wood. Another review mentions the chairs being bigger than expected despitehaving checked measurements. I agree with that. The rating categories related to ease of assembly earned 5 stars. The category for small spaces earned a 4. These are not small little accent chairs. It seems weird to have that even be a scoring criteria. Fir my purposes, these are a 5. Works well.
Just What I Hoped Theyd Be
These are very nice quality chairs for the price paid. They seem sturdy and the looks real from across the room. The front legs have leveling feet. Legs are metal painted to look like wood. Another review mentions the chairs being bigger than expected despitehaving checked measurements. I agree with that. The rating categories related to ease of assembly earned 5 stars. The category for small spaces earned a 4. These are not small little accent chairs. It seems weird to have that even be a scoring criteria. Fir my purposes, these are a 5. Works well.