We had to return our orders twice. Two of them came damaged. It was quite the pain.but we had already assembled one that was fine and we wanted a second to go on the opposite side of the bed, otherwise, we probably wouldve just returned rather than exchanged them. We got the black ones and the paint finish chips off super easily. Just during assembly, I had to take a sharpie and fill little spots where the paint had chipped off and its white underneath. Theyre nice looking and do the job intended, but overall, I would not recommend.
Not great
We had to return our orders twice. Two of them came damaged. It was quite the pain.but we had already assembled one that was fine and we wanted a second to go on the opposite side of the bed, otherwise, we probably wouldve just returned rather than exchanged them. We got the black ones and the paint finish chips off super easily. Just during assembly, I had to take a sharpie and fill little spots where the paint had chipped off and its white underneath. Theyre nice looking and do the job intended, but overall, I would not recommend.