Overall, this is a very good desk. Looks nice, not too expensive, fairly sturdy. I did encounter multiple problems during assembly, though. There were areas where the pre-drilled holes werent there. Another spot one of the pre-drilled holes was too small for the fastener. And the tracks for the drawers arent labeled at all, but one can figure out where they belong. I could see these problems being a huge hindrance in assembling the desk. Fortunately for me, I had a drill and drill bits on hand to address the issues. Im not particularly handy, so I was able to complete assembly in 2 hours. If youre handy, this desk should be a breeze to assemble. If youre not handy, ask someone who is handy to help you or assemble it for you. Definitely happy with it now that its done.
Happy with my purchase
Overall, this is a very good desk. Looks nice, not too expensive, fairly sturdy. I did encounter multiple problems during assembly, though. There were areas where the pre-drilled holes werent there. Another spot one of the pre-drilled holes was too small for the fastener. And the tracks for the drawers arent labeled at all, but one can figure out where they belong. I could see these problems being a huge hindrance in assembling the desk. Fortunately for me, I had a drill and drill bits on hand to address the issues. Im not particularly handy, so I was able to complete assembly in 2 hours. If youre handy, this desk should be a breeze to assemble. If youre not handy, ask someone who is handy to help you or assemble it for you. Definitely happy with it now that its done.