My son loves it. Hes an active, adventurous 6 year old, weighs about 58 pounds. My honey and I put it together in under an hour (we also cheated and used my drill). The kid loves it. We recommend getting a 6 mattress. Its not noisy, was easy to put together. Honestly a dream for the price. Definitely a rad way to spoil the little(s). There was a lot of information on how to contact customer service if something were wrong. Thankfully didnt need to, also arrived fairly quickly considering its such a heavy package (thats what she said). Definitely looks nice.
Awesome / Would definitely buy again!
My son loves it. Hes an active, adventurous 6 year old, weighs about 58 pounds. My honey and I put it together in under an hour (we also cheated and used my drill). The kid loves it. We recommend getting a 6 mattress. Its not noisy, was easy to put together. Honestly a dream for the price. Definitely a rad way to spoil the little(s). There was a lot of information on how to contact customer service if something were wrong. Thankfully didnt need to, also arrived fairly quickly considering its such a heavy package (thats what she said). Definitely looks nice.