My son loves this bed. Hes not quite 2 yet so its still an adjustment to make him stay in the bed. The bed is sturdy, easy to put together, and very fun! The slide is and is pretty noisy when he is using it, but Id rather it be durable than quiet. The space underneath is helpful to store his extra chairs and toys, etc. and he has to duck slightly to stand under it but can easily play sitting or kneeling. Overall a great, fun bed for a child and for a reasonable price Worth every penny.
Lots of fun
My son loves this bed. Hes not quite 2 yet so its still an adjustment to make him stay in the bed. The bed is sturdy, easy to put together, and very fun! The slide is and is pretty noisy when he is using it, but Id rather it be durable than quiet. The space underneath is helpful to store his extra chairs and toys, etc. and he has to duck slightly to stand under it but can easily play sitting or kneeling. Overall a great, fun bed for a child and for a reasonable price Worth every penny.