I really like how easy it was to put together. Its not very high up so I feel comfortable with my toddler in it (with the side rails of coarse). Its sturdy. The corners are a little hard but their not sharp like some of the reviews said. Its a hard plastic over for those corners so Im sure they dont feel good if you hit it but I dont think its likely to ever really hit it hard unless the kids are jumping on the bed and fall on it. Overall great purchase and my son loves it! Like it a lot
Easy and durable
I really like how easy it was to put together. Its not very high up so I feel comfortable with my toddler in it (with the side rails of coarse). Its sturdy. The corners are a little hard but their not sharp like some of the reviews said. Its a hard plastic over for those corners so Im sure they dont feel good if you hit it but I dont think its likely to ever really hit it hard unless the kids are jumping on the bed and fall on it. Overall great purchase and my son loves it! Like it a lot