Positives / well built, easy to assemble and use. Great speed.
Negatives / Heavy to pedal, lack of accessories (light for example)
The bike is great for commute and is very small when folded. My main negative point is that the bike is very heavy for Its size and is slower compared to other electric bikes on the street.
Also when folded Its a little hard to carry it. But in general the bike is a very good option on Its price range and will do the job, great acquisition for your first ebike.
Great first ebike but could be better
Positives / well built, easy to assemble and use. Great speed. Negatives / Heavy to pedal, lack of accessories (light for example) The bike is great for commute and is very small when folded. My main negative point is that the bike is very heavy for Its size and is slower compared to other electric bikes on the street. Also when folded Its a little hard to carry it. But in general the bike is a very good option on Its price range and will do the job, great acquisition for your first ebike.