Original item was broken, they sent me a working replacement
UPDATE: They sent me a new one, and this one is in great condition. Overall, it is a great e/bike for the price. My friends have nice real e/bikes, but they paid around 3K for theirs, for 650 this bike holds its own. I weigh about 160 lbs, and it has trouble climbing steep hills but for the most part it works fine, and I like how it folds up and can easily be thrown into a trunk of a car. The battery is decent, I can get roughly 15 miles on it fully charged with some light pedaling when going uphill. Again, for the price, this is a great bike. When my 1st unit came broken, customer support was very responsive and sent a replacement unit within days.
I bought this for 650. The box was broken, the electronics are stripped and the foot pedal broke off on my 1st trip with it. When I tried to call support, they just said talk to . This item is completely unusable and I guess I am just going to throw it out. If anyone at swagton sees this please contact me. I will update this review if they reach out and fix this.
Original item was broken, they sent me a working replacement
UPDATE: They sent me a new one, and this one is in great condition. Overall, it is a great e/bike for the price. My friends have nice real e/bikes, but they paid around 3K for theirs, for 650 this bike holds its own. I weigh about 160 lbs, and it has trouble climbing steep hills but for the most part it works fine, and I like how it folds up and can easily be thrown into a trunk of a car. The battery is decent, I can get roughly 15 miles on it fully charged with some light pedaling when going uphill. Again, for the price, this is a great bike. When my 1st unit came broken, customer support was very responsive and sent a replacement unit within days. I bought this for 650. The box was broken, the electronics are stripped and the foot pedal broke off on my 1st trip with it. When I tried to call support, they just said talk to . This item is completely unusable and I guess I am just going to throw it out. If anyone at swagton sees this please contact me. I will update this review if they reach out and fix this.