Have had this bike for a little over four months now and rode it maybe 20 times and charging it more frequently now. When new get 15 miles charging now getting 8 or 9 miles out of it but it is a good sturdy bike and have had no problems with it and I did expect a drop in miles over time so I think its a good bike for the money and its fun to ride just know your mileage is going to drop pretty quickly.
Good Electric Bike!!
Have had this bike for a little over four months now and rode it maybe 20 times and charging it more frequently now. When new get 15 miles charging now getting 8 or 9 miles out of it but it is a good sturdy bike and have had no problems with it and I did expect a drop in miles over time so I think its a good bike for the money and its fun to ride just know your mileage is going to drop pretty quickly.