This bike isnt a bike, its a scooter with a seat and useless pedals. I really wanted a bike that had pedal assist but could also function as a bike, where you can gear up or down going up and down hills, and even when the battery died, it was still functional. THIS IS NOT THAT BIKE. If you need something for a meandering, weekend scoot this is great, but not great for a busy, efficient, fast commute.
SPEED: This bike WILL NOT go over 15mph, you can pedal as hard as humanly possible, while going down a hill even, but it will not speed up. Its just slow enough to be slowly passed by all normal bike commuters, but it also feels fast enough to be a nice coasting pace. So, If you need something for a meandering, weekend scoot this is great, but not great for a busy, efficient, fast commute where you might run out of battery because youve got so many places to be and errands to run. (1/5 Stars)
DISTANCE: True to description, it went 15miles on one charge with two or three small hills. But again, it was not usable once the battery dies, its just so hard to pedal. (3/5 Stars)
CHARGING: Again, really easy, you just plug it into an outlet from a portal on the underside of the main crossbar. It comes with a charger. From 0/100 it does take 5 hours to charge and, in my experience, one charge will take you almost exactly 15miles. Some people said they left it charging overnight and it destroyed their battery, I did leave it charging overnight as well and I did not have that problem. (3/5 Stars)
FOLDING: This was great, super easy! Although, the bike is a little heavy for me and its really awkward to carry or push it on a wheel when its folded. (4/5 Stars)
HILLS: You need to have a full or almost full charge to go up any hill big or small. Anything less than half battery and you will have to get off and walk, SERIOUSLY. Because, again, the pedals are useless. You see, there is only one gear so you cant change gears to make it easier to pedal up a hill. (1/5 Stars)
PEDAL ASSIST/THROTTLE: The pedal assist SUCKS. If you start to pedal, youll get a jolt from the motor and nothing more. I did several pop/a/wheelies when first starting and if you arent prepared you might fall off the back. Because the pedal assist is useless, I used the throttle the entire time. To use the throttle you have to spin the piece towards you on the handle bar and hold it in place the whole time. So not only did my wrist start hurting from having to hold a torqued position for extended periods but it also made it harder to grab the brake lever quickly because your hand is on the back of handle bar holding throttle and not on the top of the handle bar where you would normally place them. Just not safe or easy to use. (1/5 Stars)
NOTE: When you read my break/down, just know the way I used the bike was at full/throttle 98/99 of the time (the pedals were useless, so I just used the throttle).
This bike isnt a bike, its a scooter with a seat and useless pedals. I really wanted a bike that had pedal assist but could also function as a bike, where you can gear up or down going up and down hills, and even when the battery died, it was still functional. THIS IS NOT THAT BIKE. If you need something for a meandering, weekend scoot this is great, but not great for a busy, efficient, fast commute. SPEED: This bike WILL NOT go over 15mph, you can pedal as hard as humanly possible, while going down a hill even, but it will not speed up. Its just slow enough to be slowly passed by all normal bike commuters, but it also feels fast enough to be a nice coasting pace. So, If you need something for a meandering, weekend scoot this is great, but not great for a busy, efficient, fast commute where you might run out of battery because youve got so many places to be and errands to run. (1/5 Stars) DISTANCE: True to description, it went 15miles on one charge with two or three small hills. But again, it was not usable once the battery dies, its just so hard to pedal. (3/5 Stars) CHARGING: Again, really easy, you just plug it into an outlet from a portal on the underside of the main crossbar. It comes with a charger. From 0/100 it does take 5 hours to charge and, in my experience, one charge will take you almost exactly 15miles. Some people said they left it charging overnight and it destroyed their battery, I did leave it charging overnight as well and I did not have that problem. (3/5 Stars) FOLDING: This was great, super easy! Although, the bike is a little heavy for me and its really awkward to carry or push it on a wheel when its folded. (4/5 Stars) HILLS: You need to have a full or almost full charge to go up any hill big or small. Anything less than half battery and you will have to get off and walk, SERIOUSLY. Because, again, the pedals are useless. You see, there is only one gear so you cant change gears to make it easier to pedal up a hill. (1/5 Stars) PEDAL ASSIST/THROTTLE: The pedal assist SUCKS. If you start to pedal, youll get a jolt from the motor and nothing more. I did several pop/a/wheelies when first starting and if you arent prepared you might fall off the back. Because the pedal assist is useless, I used the throttle the entire time. To use the throttle you have to spin the piece towards you on the handle bar and hold it in place the whole time. So not only did my wrist start hurting from having to hold a torqued position for extended periods but it also made it harder to grab the brake lever quickly because your hand is on the back of handle bar holding throttle and not on the top of the handle bar where you would normally place them. Just not safe or easy to use. (1/5 Stars) NOTE: When you read my break/down, just know the way I used the bike was at full/throttle 98/99 of the time (the pedals were useless, so I just used the throttle).