One might want to have it assembled by a professional.
This was the third electric bike I bought. I had problems with assembling the seat. The instructions that came with it were useless to me. My brother came to my rescue. He didnt need any instructions and thought the instructions was lacking. It did ride well; however, until the next problem with the charger. I gave up on it and tossed it. I think I just got a lemon and might have had better luck with another one.
One might want to have it assembled by a professional.
This was the third electric bike I bought. I had problems with assembling the seat. The instructions that came with it were useless to me. My brother came to my rescue. He didnt need any instructions and thought the instructions was lacking. It did ride well; however, until the next problem with the charger. I gave up on it and tossed it. I think I just got a lemon and might have had better luck with another one.