Im a 60, 230 lbs man and this bike is just too small for me (even when seat handlebars adjusted, my knees still hit my arms and its not a comfortable ride for any sort of distance, also pedals felt small). However, I gave it to my GF (52, 135 lbs) and she loves it. She even rode it to work 14.2 mi each way and the battery lasted with charge up while shes at work. So all in all its a good bike if youre on the shorter side. Bought the rack for back and can place a bag on there to transport lock, charger, water etc.
Nice e/bike for the right/size person
Im a 60, 230 lbs man and this bike is just too small for me (even when seat handlebars adjusted, my knees still hit my arms and its not a comfortable ride for any sort of distance, also pedals felt small). However, I gave it to my GF (52, 135 lbs) and she loves it. She even rode it to work 14.2 mi each way and the battery lasted with charge up while shes at work. So all in all its a good bike if youre on the shorter side. Bought the rack for back and can place a bag on there to transport lock, charger, water etc.