I have a much more durable (and expensive) e/bike already but wanted to have another one on hand for when we have guests / and we have many. Not really fair to compare the two bikes but its inevitable. This bike is very easy to fold up and transport in a vehicle. The more expensive bike is heavier and more complicated to fold up. The bike has a learning curve and Im beginning to enjoy it a lot more now that Im familiar with it. This is a bike Ive enjoyed keeping in the trunk of the car to have at hand when out and about. No idea about durability or how long the battery will last but so far its been doing well.
Nice extra bike for guests!
I have a much more durable (and expensive) e/bike already but wanted to have another one on hand for when we have guests / and we have many. Not really fair to compare the two bikes but its inevitable. This bike is very easy to fold up and transport in a vehicle. The more expensive bike is heavier and more complicated to fold up. The bike has a learning curve and Im beginning to enjoy it a lot more now that Im familiar with it. This is a bike Ive enjoyed keeping in the trunk of the car to have at hand when out and about. No idea about durability or how long the battery will last but so far its been doing well.