I like the bike. My husband bought it for me, because I dont have a car, so I have to walk everywhere and he worries about me walking especially at night. and with my new job coming up, thisll help out a lot. Its fast, but not super fast. it took me a couple times riding it to get used to how to works, but other than that it works great. the only issue I have is that the charge doesnt hold as long as I would like it to, but it still holds long enough to get me from point A to point B. I would say, if youre someone who doesnt have a car or licence and need to get from one place to another and back, then this would be a good bike for you.
Good Bike
I like the bike. My husband bought it for me, because I dont have a car, so I have to walk everywhere and he worries about me walking especially at night. and with my new job coming up, thisll help out a lot. Its fast, but not super fast. it took me a couple times riding it to get used to how to works, but other than that it works great. the only issue I have is that the charge doesnt hold as long as I would like it to, but it still holds long enough to get me from point A to point B. I would say, if youre someone who doesnt have a car or licence and need to get from one place to another and back, then this would be a good bike for you.