Bike was easy to put together right out of the box, I will edit this review later to add photos but came on time with no problems. Bike drives great. My only problem was that the brakes were setup very differently on both bikes. On my white one for my wife, they came out perfect right out of the box. For mine they were horribly squeaky and I had to watch like 20 you tube videos on how to adjust them, or be left to wait to use my bike until I took them to a bike shop and paid more money. Of course, I said screw waiting and did it myself and they work great now. Would highly recommend this bike.
Love these bikes, best purchase Ive made.
Bike was easy to put together right out of the box, I will edit this review later to add photos but came on time with no problems. Bike drives great. My only problem was that the brakes were setup very differently on both bikes. On my white one for my wife, they came out perfect right out of the box. For mine they were horribly squeaky and I had to watch like 20 you tube videos on how to adjust them, or be left to wait to use my bike until I took them to a bike shop and paid more money. Of course, I said screw waiting and did it myself and they work great now. Would highly recommend this bike.