I bought this bike and I just love it so fancy looking rides really well love how fast it goes 20 to 23 miles per hour well balanced can pedal when I want to or hit the throttle and blast away and I love how it folds in half so it becomes small enough to fit in back of a car or truck take it any where you want and take it out and ride away great exercise when pedaling and it goes up hills how about that it looks like it cost 4000.00 dollars glad I bought it.
Beautiful Bike looks like a motor cycle
I bought this bike and I just love it so fancy looking rides really well love how fast it goes 20 to 23 miles per hour well balanced can pedal when I want to or hit the throttle and blast away and I love how it folds in half so it becomes small enough to fit in back of a car or truck take it any where you want and take it out and ride away great exercise when pedaling and it goes up hills how about that it looks like it cost 4000.00 dollars glad I bought it.