The seat shock absorbing system is an add/on with other bikes in this class, Great value!
is the best value e/bike under 1000, as it has more features for the price. Riding comfort is good but plan on getting an over/sized seat if riding for long distances. Shipping was about a week and the bike arrived well packed in a double wall carton with plenty of foam to protect during shipping. I have already put 300 miles on it in 3 weeks and no issues or problems.
The seat shock absorbing system is an add/on with other bikes in this class, Great value!
is the best value e/bike under 1000, as it has more features for the price. Riding comfort is good but plan on getting an over/sized seat if riding for long distances. Shipping was about a week and the bike arrived well packed in a double wall carton with plenty of foam to protect during shipping. I have already put 300 miles on it in 3 weeks and no issues or problems.