Quality control poor, but if you get enough good parts its a sturdy frame for the money
First shipment came missing legs and two sides of the frame. Second shipment came with everything, but three parts of the frame (a leg and two sides) had deformed end pieces (big chunks poking out/clipped inward) preventing assembly. Luckily, between the two shipments, a pliers, and brute force to fix the deformities, I was able to get the frame assembled. Once assembled, its really nice and sturdy! They even include an alan ratchet, which is nice.
For the money, if you dont mind some potential quality control issues, its definitely a good buy. This was a nightmare to assemble.
Quality control poor, but if you get enough good parts its a sturdy frame for the money
First shipment came missing legs and two sides of the frame. Second shipment came with everything, but three parts of the frame (a leg and two sides) had deformed end pieces (big chunks poking out/clipped inward) preventing assembly. Luckily, between the two shipments, a pliers, and brute force to fix the deformities, I was able to get the frame assembled. Once assembled, its really nice and sturdy! They even include an alan ratchet, which is nice. For the money, if you dont mind some potential quality control issues, its definitely a good buy. This was a nightmare to assemble.