Pretty easy to assemble! You definitely want to put it all together not loosely but not tightened completely. I didnt read that part and had to loosen some parts so everything fit properly to put the middle parts of the bed together. Probably takes an hour or so to put together. If you have a 3 year old trying to help itll take 4-6 hours really sturdy, doesnt squeak yet. Soooooooooo much storage space underneath! All around a really great purchase!
Nice and Modern for a pretty good price
Pretty easy to assemble! You definitely want to put it all together not loosely but not tightened completely. I didnt read that part and had to loosen some parts so everything fit properly to put the middle parts of the bed together. Probably takes an hour or so to put together. If you have a 3 year old trying to help itll take 4-6 hours really sturdy, doesnt squeak yet. Soooooooooo much storage space underneath! All around a really great purchase!