After tracking the bench down that was delivered to the neighbors (no fault of the seller) I started putting it together. It is packaged really well. The directions took a little time to figure out what direction to lay the pieces. Overall its just ok. The reason for the ratings are 1. its much smaller than anticipated. We measured the length and knew what to expect there but the lack of height really surprised us. Its small. The attached picture can give you an idea with toddler sizes jackets hanging above. 2. The pilot holes for the seat are a little off so the it sits off center and rubs the arm every time we open it. The kids put their shoes inside so even after a few days its already showing wear.
Smaller than Expected
After tracking the bench down that was delivered to the neighbors (no fault of the seller) I started putting it together. It is packaged really well. The directions took a little time to figure out what direction to lay the pieces. Overall its just ok. The reason for the ratings are 1. its much smaller than anticipated. We measured the length and knew what to expect there but the lack of height really surprised us. Its small. The attached picture can give you an idea with toddler sizes jackets hanging above. 2. The pilot holes for the seat are a little off so the it sits off center and rubs the arm every time we open it. The kids put their shoes inside so even after a few days its already showing wear.