Easy to assemble. I did it myself I was really impressed with the quality of this nightstand. It was packaged really well, so nothing was damaged and all parts were clearly labeled. It was also pretty easy to put together, but this was where the one small problem was. When assembling the drawer, the instructions tell you to put the slider bars together, but they come packaged preassembled, and what the instructions should be telling you is to take them apart. When you get to the point at which you need to attach the metal bars to the wood, its confusing until you realize that you need to disassemble the slider bars so that you can attach each bar to its respective piece of wood.
Once you get it assembled, it is a nice piece of furniture for the price. It feels sturdy and looks good. I especially like the height, since I have it next to a bed with a higher mattress.
Really nice nightstand
Easy to assemble. I did it myself I was really impressed with the quality of this nightstand. It was packaged really well, so nothing was damaged and all parts were clearly labeled. It was also pretty easy to put together, but this was where the one small problem was. When assembling the drawer, the instructions tell you to put the slider bars together, but they come packaged preassembled, and what the instructions should be telling you is to take them apart. When you get to the point at which you need to attach the metal bars to the wood, its confusing until you realize that you need to disassemble the slider bars so that you can attach each bar to its respective piece of wood. Once you get it assembled, it is a nice piece of furniture for the price. It feels sturdy and looks good. I especially like the height, since I have it next to a bed with a higher mattress.