Review all the instructions / materials before starting the assembly
Ill start with - after I got it assembled, I am satisfied with the product. I think its a good product for the price I paid for it. When I first opened the package and started to assemble it, I found that there was a mix up on the parts - 1 bag of screws was missing and another bag was doubled up. I contacted the vendor and they were quick to apologize and offer me a partial refund for me to buy the missing parts locally. I asked if they could give me specs on the missing part and they were unable to provide the information, so instead they upped the refund portion and I accepted their offer. After I got the missing screws I proceeded to assemble the cabinet and I thought the rails in the box were incorrect so I became flustered and angry and canceled the order. But right after that I was looking at the instructions and saw that the rails I thought were incorrect were used on another step. So thats why I said on the headline to review all instructions/materials before starting assembly. The instructions are not great but they do give you what you need to get the product assembled properly. I like the product and Im glad I looked at the instructions again instead of packing it up and sending it back.
Review all the instructions / materials before starting the assembly
Ill start with - after I got it assembled, I am satisfied with the product. I think its a good product for the price I paid for it. When I first opened the package and started to assemble it, I found that there was a mix up on the parts - 1 bag of screws was missing and another bag was doubled up. I contacted the vendor and they were quick to apologize and offer me a partial refund for me to buy the missing parts locally. I asked if they could give me specs on the missing part and they were unable to provide the information, so instead they upped the refund portion and I accepted their offer. After I got the missing screws I proceeded to assemble the cabinet and I thought the rails in the box were incorrect so I became flustered and angry and canceled the order. But right after that I was looking at the instructions and saw that the rails I thought were incorrect were used on another step. So thats why I said on the headline to review all instructions/materials before starting assembly. The instructions are not great but they do give you what you need to get the product assembled properly. I like the product and Im glad I looked at the instructions again instead of packing it up and sending it back.