works as advertised, keep in mind this is a compact scooter, was bought for a 52 woman and fits well. at my 63 it is easier to carry than ride. one other thing to note while it can handle some rough terrain, the battery will drain faster. as for breaking down to transport in the trunk it can be managed with ease once you get the hang of it. battery life in shopping mall is good. Around the neighborhood performs well, but as mentioned earlier compact scooter lower ground clearance, plan your route accordingly. one last thing the seat is made of some sort of plastic, strong enough with a little care in how you handle it in a non seating situation should last, sitting is fine. I would recommend a cushion for prolonged sitting. pleased with purchase.
good scooter for short people
works as advertised, keep in mind this is a compact scooter, was bought for a 52 woman and fits well. at my 63 it is easier to carry than ride. one other thing to note while it can handle some rough terrain, the battery will drain faster. as for breaking down to transport in the trunk it can be managed with ease once you get the hang of it. battery life in shopping mall is good. Around the neighborhood performs well, but as mentioned earlier compact scooter lower ground clearance, plan your route accordingly. one last thing the seat is made of some sort of plastic, strong enough with a little care in how you handle it in a non seating situation should last, sitting is fine. I would recommend a cushion for prolonged sitting. pleased with purchase.