Very solidly built, and not too bad to assemble. Like most products these days, assembly instructions not the greatest. The biggest issues the turning radius. This was purchased for my father, who lives in a 2200 square foot house. Lots of backing up and repositioning, as very few turns can be made in just a simple forward motion. We will see how it goes, but due to no return option, we may end up donating, and going with a more expensive model. If you have a smaller house, it will have very limited use.
Solidly Built / Poor turn radius
Very solidly built, and not too bad to assemble. Like most products these days, assembly instructions not the greatest. The biggest issues the turning radius. This was purchased for my father, who lives in a 2200 square foot house. Lots of backing up and repositioning, as very few turns can be made in just a simple forward motion. We will see how it goes, but due to no return option, we may end up donating, and going with a more expensive model. If you have a smaller house, it will have very limited use.