Would I buy these again— no.
Are they beautiful and sturdy— yes.
My complaint is with how the parts fit, rather, didn’t fit together. We bought two sets of two chairs, 4 chairs in total. After assembly we had 2 chairs that were very wobbly, and 1 with highly visible blemish. I contacted support and they sent a replacement package (2 chairs). Then between the parts for 6 total chairs we were able to mix and match until we had 4 chairs that didn’t wobble and were mostly blemish free. Now I have to repack and lug the 2 chairs to return to the UPS store.
So for around $100 per chair I wouldn’t say the price is worth the hassle or time I spent assembling, reassembling, and returning the replacements.
Wouldn’t but again
Would I buy these again— no. Are they beautiful and sturdy— yes. My complaint is with how the parts fit, rather, didn’t fit together. We bought two sets of two chairs, 4 chairs in total. After assembly we had 2 chairs that were very wobbly, and 1 with highly visible blemish. I contacted support and they sent a replacement package (2 chairs). Then between the parts for 6 total chairs we were able to mix and match until we had 4 chairs that didn’t wobble and were mostly blemish free. Now I have to repack and lug the 2 chairs to return to the UPS store. So for around $100 per chair I wouldn’t say the price is worth the hassle or time I spent assembling, reassembling, and returning the replacements.