The chair is comfortable and beautiful. It is easy to assemble based on the instructions. Also, sellers provide more exact tools, so we don’t afraid of lose one. After I assemble one of the chair, I take a picture and my little baby girl around 3 years old sit on the chair. She loves the chair and would not want to leave. It is really good since she used to be play around during dinner time. Now, she will be happy to sit down and enjoy her mealtime. It is soft for kids too. Recommend!
The chair is comfortable and beautiful. It is easy to assemble based on the instructions. Also, sellers provide more exact tools, so we don’t afraid of lose one. After I assemble one of the chair, I take a picture and my little baby girl around 3 years old sit on the chair. She loves the chair and would not want to leave. It is really good since she used to be play around during dinner time. Now, she will be happy to sit down and enjoy her mealtime. It is soft for kids too. Recommend!