The bed is sturdy enough, and my child loves it, but the fact that the main bed supports did not have predrilled holes was frustrating. None of the screws labeled F had holes to screw into. If the mattress support isnt secure, the bed is not safe. Thankfully I have a drill and the appropriate sized bit, and was able to drill myself some holes and get it done, but making sure the actual supports can be secured should be a priority for a childs bed. so you get what you pay for.
Pretty good bed but no predrilled holes!
The bed is sturdy enough, and my child loves it, but the fact that the main bed supports did not have predrilled holes was frustrating. None of the screws labeled F had holes to screw into. If the mattress support isnt secure, the bed is not safe. Thankfully I have a drill and the appropriate sized bit, and was able to drill myself some holes and get it done, but making sure the actual supports can be secured should be a priority for a childs bed. so you get what you pay for.