To be honest, was reluctant to buy such a big item without seeing it. We are very very pleased. Everything it was described to be it was. The fit for my moms small light body was perfect She was able to learn the handle quickly. The only thing we need to modify is attaching the remote somehow. It drops to the floor when she gets up and its impossible for her to get on her own when she returns. So we are gonna try valcro to the am.
Thankful for the chair
To be honest, was reluctant to buy such a big item without seeing it. We are very very pleased. Everything it was described to be it was. The fit for my moms small light body was perfect She was able to learn the handle quickly. The only thing we need to modify is attaching the remote somehow. It drops to the floor when she gets up and its impossible for her to get on her own when she returns. So we are gonna try valcro to the am.