Pretty sturdy. Good size. This product was easy to assemble, and took no time at all to put together. I did find it hard to carry up 16 stairs. The motors are slower then our other lift chairs, but are extremely quiet with a smooth operation. My wife originally found the chair to be to stiff and uncomfortable. Yesterday my wife commented she now finds it comfortable. We have four different lift recliners and my wife uses each chair for a different purpose. She doesnt appear to have a overall favorite.
Overall the chair seams to be a good lower end chair purchase.
Chair was well protected!
Pretty sturdy. Good size. This product was easy to assemble, and took no time at all to put together. I did find it hard to carry up 16 stairs. The motors are slower then our other lift chairs, but are extremely quiet with a smooth operation. My wife originally found the chair to be to stiff and uncomfortable. Yesterday my wife commented she now finds it comfortable. We have four different lift recliners and my wife uses each chair for a different purpose. She doesnt appear to have a overall favorite. Overall the chair seams to be a good lower end chair purchase.