The bed seems sturdy for a bunk bed. The kids are super excited to have a sleepover in the same room. The quality overall is pretty good. Some minor damage from delivery (minor scrapes and the headboard slates edges got damaged but are hidden if placed correctly in the headboard). The assembly instructions are pretty good. Took less than 3 hours for two people to build. Strongly recommend at least two people build it, some steps require three to make alignment easier.
Assembly requires two people
The bed seems sturdy for a bunk bed. The kids are super excited to have a sleepover in the same room. The quality overall is pretty good. Some minor damage from delivery (minor scrapes and the headboard slates edges got damaged but are hidden if placed correctly in the headboard). The assembly instructions are pretty good. Took less than 3 hours for two people to build. Strongly recommend at least two people build it, some steps require three to make alignment easier.