I am really pleased with this desk. Some important tips for putting it together: One of the first directions is Do not tighten the screws/bolts until it is completed. This is important, especially when putting on the top pieces. This will help you make it level and make the holes line up. Also when you think it would be convenient to put the keyboard tray on the top piece before you attach it to the legs, even though the directions say not to, Dont do it.
I ended up calling their support number because three or four metal brackets on the Keyboard tray brackets were bent. They were VERY nice and helpful. They offered to send me a replacement unit and free return shipping for my unit. But I didnt want to have to deal with shipping the one I had back. I ended up being able to straighten out the bent metal pieces. Even after all that, I am really please with my purchase.
A great inexpensive desk. Good value.
I am really pleased with this desk. Some important tips for putting it together: One of the first directions is Do not tighten the screws/bolts until it is completed. This is important, especially when putting on the top pieces. This will help you make it level and make the holes line up. Also when you think it would be convenient to put the keyboard tray on the top piece before you attach it to the legs, even though the directions say not to, Dont do it. I ended up calling their support number because three or four metal brackets on the Keyboard tray brackets were bent. They were VERY nice and helpful. They offered to send me a replacement unit and free return shipping for my unit. But I didnt want to have to deal with shipping the one I had back. I ended up being able to straighten out the bent metal pieces. Even after all that, I am really please with my purchase.