Disappointed with this purchase. The product did not have the correct parts and we had to improvise to assemble. The instructions are not clear and mistakes are easy. If you are not handy with power tools, then beware. The headboards for the full size bed were not made or supplied correctly. The dowel holes for the twin bunk bed were reversed and we had to drill the holes to match to dowels ourselves. If not for a time crunch and help from someone experienced in wood working I would have returned the bed. Be careful while assembly and screwing it together because the wood may split. There are several weak areas. This is not for the person who occasionally assembles something from IKEA or the like, but someone who has experience with interpreting instructions and who is careful not to damage during assembly.
Unless you are handy with power tools, beware!!
Disappointed with this purchase. The product did not have the correct parts and we had to improvise to assemble. The instructions are not clear and mistakes are easy. If you are not handy with power tools, then beware. The headboards for the full size bed were not made or supplied correctly. The dowel holes for the twin bunk bed were reversed and we had to drill the holes to match to dowels ourselves. If not for a time crunch and help from someone experienced in wood working I would have returned the bed. Be careful while assembly and screwing it together because the wood may split. There are several weak areas. This is not for the person who occasionally assembles something from IKEA or the like, but someone who has experience with interpreting instructions and who is careful not to damage during assembly.