The instructions are easy to follow, the hardware is high quality (long screws, sturdy metal plates, etc), and the packaging was concise and made sense. The company cares about the product from manufacturing to shipping to reception. It was super easy to build on our own, so Id highly recommend anyone on the fence get the futon and skip the optional paid assembly through . Great little side piece of furniture for a study, studio, dorm or office! Best purchase yet!
Sturdy and Easy Assembly
The instructions are easy to follow, the hardware is high quality (long screws, sturdy metal plates, etc), and the packaging was concise and made sense. The company cares about the product from manufacturing to shipping to reception. It was super easy to build on our own, so Id highly recommend anyone on the fence get the futon and skip the optional paid assembly through . Great little side piece of furniture for a study, studio, dorm or office! Best purchase yet!