This end table was exactly what I was looking for. It is very sturdy and not difficult to put together. All the necessary parts were included and nothing was broken or scratched. They also included a small screwdriver to help with assembly! Some other comments mentioned the instructions were unclear. I found the instructions to be straightforward (they are pictures, not text for the most part), though paying close attention to the orientation of the pieces as you are putting it together will make your easier as you assemble it. Those with difficulty seeing small writing may have to use a magnifying glass or reading glasses. I have good vision but had to take a really close look to see some of the part numbers on the instruction sheet. Overall, I am very happy with my purchase.
Versatile end table
This end table was exactly what I was looking for. It is very sturdy and not difficult to put together. All the necessary parts were included and nothing was broken or scratched. They also included a small screwdriver to help with assembly! Some other comments mentioned the instructions were unclear. I found the instructions to be straightforward (they are pictures, not text for the most part), though paying close attention to the orientation of the pieces as you are putting it together will make your easier as you assemble it. Those with difficulty seeing small writing may have to use a magnifying glass or reading glasses. I have good vision but had to take a really close look to see some of the part numbers on the instruction sheet. Overall, I am very happy with my purchase.