Nice looking bedframe that seems sturdy (so far). It was easy to assemble, and while it would have been quicker with two people, I was able to assemble it by myself without issue. I am pleasantly surprised at the quality of the pieces, and think it will hold up well. It is a bit taller than I expected, I can easily slide an 11x11 fabric bin under the bed, but since I dont have a boxspring (not required with slats), it isnt too tall for me to get into bed. The pieces are clean, well labeled, and the white paint looks nice. I would recommend this bed frame. Expected.
Sturdy, well designed bedframe
Nice looking bedframe that seems sturdy (so far). It was easy to assemble, and while it would have been quicker with two people, I was able to assemble it by myself without issue. I am pleasantly surprised at the quality of the pieces, and think it will hold up well. It is a bit taller than I expected, I can easily slide an 11x11 fabric bin under the bed, but since I dont have a boxspring (not required with slats), it isnt too tall for me to get into bed. The pieces are clean, well labeled, and the white paint looks nice. I would recommend this bed frame. Expected.