I received one defective and one damaged in the shipping package. The seller wanted me to pay additional shipping charges to return something defective that they had already charged shipping on. I would encourage you to shop for any 4 in 1 other than this one. The fabric is flimsy as best but the gears to change the position of the furniture got stuck on the very first day and they are still stuck. A second one was purchased and delivered with the box torn and the content was damp. The protective cover over the chair in side the box was ripped. Buyer Beware. The customer Service E/mail helped me to make some adjustment and clean up some problems. The return policy is not acceptable so beware My issues were finally resolved.
After some videos to set up and correct !
I received one defective and one damaged in the shipping package. The seller wanted me to pay additional shipping charges to return something defective that they had already charged shipping on. I would encourage you to shop for any 4 in 1 other than this one. The fabric is flimsy as best but the gears to change the position of the furniture got stuck on the very first day and they are still stuck. A second one was purchased and delivered with the box torn and the content was damp. The protective cover over the chair in side the box was ripped. Buyer Beware. The customer Service E/mail helped me to make some adjustment and clean up some problems. The return policy is not acceptable so beware My issues were finally resolved.