My mom comes to sleep over and sleeps with my daughter. This bed was nice and sturdy for when they are both sleeping on it. We had a defect in some parts and it effected the assembly, but they took care of it and sent me the part that I needed without issues. I am currently sending back the part that was defected. Overall, I love this bed for my daughter who is now 7 and needed a bigger bed. Perfect for her and totally adorable. I love these kinds of headboards. Satisfied.
Nice frame
My mom comes to sleep over and sleeps with my daughter. This bed was nice and sturdy for when they are both sleeping on it. We had a defect in some parts and it effected the assembly, but they took care of it and sent me the part that I needed without issues. I am currently sending back the part that was defected. Overall, I love this bed for my daughter who is now 7 and needed a bigger bed. Perfect for her and totally adorable. I love these kinds of headboards. Satisfied.