Great bed for the price, not too difficult to assemble!
The bed is for my guest room so that a kid can sleep above and parents below. The assembly took about 3 hours with 2 people, but was not too difficult. You do need to pay attention to the right and left pieces as we had to switch a few around. Good sturdy bed. The only complaint is that the stickers labeling the pieces are on the protective bags and not the actual pieces. We had to figure a few out before we realized what was up. This works.
Great bed for the price, not too difficult to assemble!
The bed is for my guest room so that a kid can sleep above and parents below. The assembly took about 3 hours with 2 people, but was not too difficult. You do need to pay attention to the right and left pieces as we had to switch a few around. Good sturdy bed. The only complaint is that the stickers labeling the pieces are on the protective bags and not the actual pieces. We had to figure a few out before we realized what was up. This works.