Bought this bunk for my 8 and 9 yr old kids. Looks exactly like the pictures on listing. Super sturdy, affordable, and stylish. Love everything about it , but the assembly. The bars are all separate where the mattress goes . Trying to line up all the bars without them falling out was not easy at all. Also some of the screws where you had to Align the male and female end took awhile and was a little frustrating because you had to get it just right or it would not thread . Took my husband and I a few hrs to put together. Other than that I am very happy with it and would recommend this to friends Like!
Sturdy, but difficult to assemble
Bought this bunk for my 8 and 9 yr old kids. Looks exactly like the pictures on listing. Super sturdy, affordable, and stylish. Love everything about it , but the assembly. The bars are all separate where the mattress goes . Trying to line up all the bars without them falling out was not easy at all. Also some of the screws where you had to Align the male and female end took awhile and was a little frustrating because you had to get it just right or it would not thread . Took my husband and I a few hrs to put together. Other than that I am very happy with it and would recommend this to friends Like!