The assembly was so easy.I kept thinking, this cant be this easy! It took my 13 year old son and I about 40 minutes to assemble it (with my 4 year old interrupting every few minutes). It helps that most of the parts, including the headboard, footboard, sides, and storage/drawers all came pre/assembled! The bed is very sturdy and isnt noisy at all. My 13 year old is a big kid (55 tall 130lbs), and he fit on it well. We used a 12 mattress and it was just perfect (dont buy any larger than that, 10 would probably be better). We are very happy with this purchase! Nice for the price.
Easy assembly and very sturdy!
The assembly was so easy.I kept thinking, this cant be this easy! It took my 13 year old son and I about 40 minutes to assemble it (with my 4 year old interrupting every few minutes). It helps that most of the parts, including the headboard, footboard, sides, and storage/drawers all came pre/assembled! The bed is very sturdy and isnt noisy at all. My 13 year old is a big kid (55 tall 130lbs), and he fit on it well. We used a 12 mattress and it was just perfect (dont buy any larger than that, 10 would probably be better). We are very happy with this purchase! Nice for the price.