This was easy to put together had one drilled hole on the top beam the latter connects to that was drilled right into the drill hole for the top head board so I had to create a new hole to drill the side in. Past that itsa great bed and I either lost some screws or they were missing and the bed places customer service sent out another ASAP. Has the screw hole not needed redone this would easily be 5 stars Dont over think it, youll love it!!
Great bed
This was easy to put together had one drilled hole on the top beam the latter connects to that was drilled right into the drill hole for the top head board so I had to create a new hole to drill the side in. Past that itsa great bed and I either lost some screws or they were missing and the bed places customer service sent out another ASAP. Has the screw hole not needed redone this would easily be 5 stars Dont over think it, youll love it!!