Very easy assembly, Sturdy. Very nice. Excellent price.
Love this bed. As far as assembly, it was the very best and the easiest to put together and wish everyone did this. Each connection point you had a number so all you had to do was put the number 1 with the other number 1 and you screw them both together. Same thing for number 2 and so on. All you had to do was match the numbers and put a screw there. So simple.
Very easy assembly, Sturdy. Very nice. Excellent price.
Love this bed. As far as assembly, it was the very best and the easiest to put together and wish everyone did this. Each connection point you had a number so all you had to do was put the number 1 with the other number 1 and you screw them both together. Same thing for number 2 and so on. All you had to do was match the numbers and put a screw there. So simple.